The Release List for the week of December 28, 2009
Note: Release dates are subject to change

The Magic Obelisk was first released in Japan back in October as Shadow Walker: Kage no Shounen to Hikari no Yousei. Its producer, Takahiro Nishi, previously worked as a sound director for Lunar: Eternal Blue, Silpheed, and Grandia II and as the arrangement supervisor for Mona Pizza's Song in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Though he has been in the industry for a while, this is his first project as a producer.
The story:
Lukus is a tree spirit who is trying to find the perfect place to settle down. His one wish is for his transformation to help someone. Unfortunately, direct exposure to sunlight will cause Lukus to turn into a tree prematurely, so he must avoid it at all costs until he is ready to take root.
The game:
To help Lukus along, you must take control of Popo, a light spirit that has the ability to cast shadows by shining its light on magical obelisks. You are tasked with creating paths between shadows upon which the boy can safely travel. Throughout your journey you will encounter things that will hinder your progress. Ghosts, for example, will appear and try to push Lukus into the light. You may also meet animals as well as other spirits that will help you as well as robots that may or may not help. Puzzles become more complicated with the introduction of special obelisks that affect surrounding areas in various ways.
There are no new releases in Japan and Europe this week.
Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth (WiiWare)
Divinity II: Ego Draconis (360, PC)
Dreamer Series: Zoo Keeper (DS)
Learn Chess (DS)
Learn Geography (DS)
Wildhollow (PC)
World Party Games (Wii)
tags: Mona Pizza’s Song, Shadow Walker, Shadow Walker: Kage no Shounen to Hikari no Yousei, Takahiro Nishi, The Magic Obelisk