Wallpaper: Fate/stay night – Saber (from Type-Moon’s AFD 2010 project)

This is the final picture that Saber linked to during Type-Moon's TMitter April Fools' Day joke a few weeks back. With Tatari's archive being updated to include the entire event, I figured that now is the perfect time to feature this piece at OXG.
SOURCE Type-Moon's official siteRELATED OXG's April Fools' Day Roundup
RELATED Tatari's archive for Type-Moon's 2010 April Fools' Day event
RELATED Tatari's archive for Type-Moon's previous April Fools' Day jokes
edit: Tatari seems to be down. Fortunately, the whole archive is available for download. You can find out how to get it at Beast's Lair.
tags: Fate/stay night, Saber, TYPE-MOON