TGS 2010: a closer look at Examu/Arc System Works’ Arcana Heart 3 booth

Arc System Works is set to bring Examu's Arcana Heart 3 to consoles on the 13th of January next year. Considering the quality of the console versions of its BlazBlue series, it's safe to assume that the developer won't break the hearts of the series' fans the way AQ Interactive did with AH2. In fact, the playable demo on the floor already shows that this isn't a simple port. One can clearly see that an effort has been made to improve the experience by simply looking at how widescreen support is handled. By displaying both players' characters and their reaction to the action that is going on, Arc System Works is keeping the gameplay consistent with how fans remember it while adding more. At the same time, they're showing every other developer that borders can be used for more than static pictures. Assuming that BlazBlue's excellent netcode is implemented down the line, fans should be able to rest easy and forget about the nightmare that was Arcana Heart 2.
Here is a look at what we saw at the booth at this year's show.

The booth had red lighting from the overhang, so things seem much redder than they really are.

You get one of these for playing at the booth. Here are pictures of all four sides.

tags: AQ Interactive, Arc System Works, Arcana Heart, Arcana Heart 2, Arcana Heart 3, BlazBlue, Examu