Trailer: Dodonpachi Resurrection for the iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

Cave just announced the international release for Dodonpachi Resurrection (Do-Don-Pachi Dai-Fukkatsu) for the iPhone and the iPod touch. Resurrection is the fifth game in the DonPachi series. Released in arcades in 2008, this sequel introduced to the series hyper counters and counter lasers, options that give players the ability to destroy enemy bullets and the ability to block lasers, respectively. Players are also given the option to access different paths if certain conditions are met, allowing them to encounter bosses from the first game in the series.
Dodonpachi Resurrection is set for release later this summer. As of this writing, it is unknown whether or not it will be the Black Label version of the game.
RELATED Cave's twitter account
RELATED Cave's twitter account (in Japanese)
RELATED Cave's English RSS feed
RELATED Cave's Dodonpachi Resurrection arcade page
tags: Azusa Chiba, Cave, Do-Don-Pachi, Do-Don-Pachi Dai-Fukkatsu, DonPachi, Kouji Ogata, Manabu Namiki, Yoshimi Kudo, 怒首領蜂 大復活