The former head of Team Ninja hopes that Valhalla Game Studios' freshman project will once again introduce gamers to a new "gaming paradigm."
Alchemist promoted its upcoming Suzunone Seven adventure game by hanging an oppai mouse pad in a stairwell and recording people's reactions to it. This promotional video is the end result.
This extended trailer for Cave's upcoming Xbox 360 port of Death Smiles II features a lot of gameplay footage as well as some examples of the voicework that we can expect in the final game. We also get to hear more of the "Joy to the World" song that we first heard in the original trailer.
XSEED: "By releasing all their recent titles on a single platform with one publisher overseeing all quality and marketing efforts, we're hopeful that Falcom's sterling reputation for quality will finally get a chance to reach a new group of players, something that fans have known for decades."
Hori's direct response to the Mad Catz TE FightStick should now be slightly more accessible for those who afford the high price tag.
This "sequel" will take place in the same universe as its predecessor.
AA: "Today, I'm not giving a fuck about how Roger Ebert has wound up a bunch of gamers by saying video games can never be art. Both sides of this argument are so pointless, I simply don't give a fuck."
Golgoth Studio and series creator Joakim Sandberg are working together to bring the indie hit to Nintendo's download service.
The anime concludes at episode one-hundred and ninety-three.
Rewatch the match that helped to make Street Fighter III: Third Strike relevant in the US.
Grasstown's background music gets the chiptune treatment.
the team: "On the opposite side of that are the translators who give everyone weird southerner accents or strange catchphrases righto dont'cha know. A well done translation stays true to meaning and style while abandoning cultural semantics and accents in favor of proper representation of the characterization and the script."
Here's your chance to see what Kojima is up to without having to resort to Google Translate.
Christian talks Street Fighter, Capcom USA and Capcom Japan relations, Dark Void, and Monster Hunter.
Random Curiosity: "I'm willing to bet you won't even care about all the negativity that has been spread from people who haven't even played it to completion (or at all), because you’ll be too busy enjoying it yourself."