Pixel touches on past efforts to bring Cave Story to a console, his development process, why he chose to focus on pixel art, the status of his RPG, current projects, future plans, and much more! |
Nippon Ichi Software president Souhei Niikawa discusses his company's future plans, ponders the prospect of finally giving Asagi her own game, and talks about what inspired NIS to develop two of its newest franchises, Z.H.P. and Cladun. |
NIS America's Ryuta Sato tells us how Ar tonelico Qoga's localization will be different, talks about why censorship will not be an issue, explains what the new title means, and much more. |
"At the far corner of the universe, an area exists called the Netheruniverse. All things end up drifting there in time, after journeying through the vastness of space. On such a stage, bright stars shine: Demon King, Valkyrie, Fox Spirit, Dark Hero, Flat-chested Pirate, Ninja Idol, and Mascot Ghost!" |
Trinity Universe combines Disgaea and Atelier Viorate while X-Edge Dash brings the worlds of Ar tonelico, Atelier Marie, Darkstalkers, Disgaea, Spectral Souls: ROTEE, and Mana Khemia 2 together. |