cool link: a Melty Blood overview
A few months ago, it was announced that Melty Blood: Actress Again would be added to this year's Evolution tournament. While Melty Blood has become fairly popular in Japan, many in the US are still quick to dismiss the series thanks to its visual novel/anime roots. This is unfortunate as the fighting engine has matured greatly since the series debuted in 2002. With any luck, being at Evolution will help to bring the fighter the recognition it deserves amongst the more mainstream audience.
For a while, I thought that most gamers had at least heard of Melty Blood. However, after I talked about Actress Again's inclusion at EVO and its RingWide port back in February, it became evident that that was not the case as I received quite a few messages asking about the series. The interest that was shown convinced me to do a write-up before EVO, but thankfully, the writers over at iPLAYWINNER did the work for me. The primer that they put up covers the series' origins, American scene, and basic gameplay mechanics and also includes lots of useful links. It was written by gamers who are fairly knowledgeable about the series, so give it a look if you've ever wanted to learn more about Melty Blood.
LINK A Closer Look at Melty Blood: Actress Again Written by its Players @ iPLAYWINNER
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related: fighting games, TYPE-MOON, visual novels